How To Treat Joint Pain

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Why Joint Pain Isn’t Inevitable…and How to End Yours

by Jonathan Bender

One of the questions I most often hear from people is, Well, But what can I do about my knee/hip/back/neck pain? After all, I’m getting older!

OK, the truth is, there is some truth to that, in that we all have only so many miles in our joints. Some of us have more, and some of us, like me, have a lot less. However, limited mileage doesn’t doom us to lifelong joint pain.

When I was a teenager, I endured a tremendous growth spurt of 6 inches in just 4 months. It was terribly painful and it began more than a decade of constant knee trouble. By the time I was 25, despite the best care the very best sports-medicine doctors and physical therapists could provide, I had no cartilage between my knees. Severe, constant pain ended my very promising NBA career.

In retirement, I ended up creating my own rehabilitation program that was so successful, I have been pain-free for years, including while I was playing for the New York Knicks.

I’d like to share some of the “secrets” of that rehabilitation program with you now. Because of how your body is designed, these secrets will work with any kind of joint pain, from your ankles to your neck.

Secret #1: Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Nothing you do affects the inside of your body…as much as what you put inside of it.

And when it comes to your joints, that’s particularly true for what you drink.

When we’re young, our joints are up to 85% water. Water is also an important component of synovial fluid, which lubricates and cushions your joints.

As we get older, our joints tend to contain less and less water. They’re dryer and they don’t glide as well as they used to.

What should you drink?

Water. And more water. I don’t buy that expensive bottled water. I just draw it straight from the tap into a pitcher. I often toss in some lemon or lime slices, or mix and match ingredients like a cinnamon stick or three, crushed mint leaves, cucumber slices, or chunks of fruit, and let the water steep overnight. This adds flavor, vitamins, and anti-oxidants.

Herbal tea: spice blends as a pick-me-up, chamomile for its mild, pleasant flavor and calming properties before bed.

Be careful with coffee and black tea. There is very strong evidence that coffee has great health benefits, including reducing the risk of gout in women and men. However, caffeine itself can pull minerals from your body and aggravate joint pain. Decaf coffee and green tea are both excellent.

Skip soda, energy or sports drinks. There is simply nothing in them your body needs—and sky-high levels of sugar and caffeine that will hurt your joints.

(To learn more about how sugar can directly cause joint pain and make it a whole lot worse, Click here! )

Instead, squeeze a whole real orange into a glass of sparkling water. It’s a delicious, refreshing alternative to soda.

Secret #2: Warm Your Muscles with Activity

Every joint has a code: the specific sequence that warms it up, stretches the muscles that surround it, and activates those muscles to support the joint.

So activity isn’t about exercise: the hiking or biking or walking you enjoy.

Rather, this is about warming up to getting the blood and lymph flowing in your body, and particularly around the joints that hurt.

Heat, walking, and even movements like jumping jacks, are all excellent ways to warm up. You can also target individual joints with specific activities, such as arm circles.

These activities warm your muscle so it can release knots and kinks more easily than if it were cold. Warm muscle also allows you to stretch more deeply and effectively.

Secret #3: Stretch Your Muscles to Release Strain

Yes, that’s right, and it’s a secret we’re taught to dislike. I’m not sure why, because done right, stretching is simple, pretty close to effortless, and practically painless.

And I get it.

I love engaging my muscles: it makes me feel strong and alive.

But during my growth spurt, my bones actually grew faster than my muscles, jamming my joints together. The one thing that might possibly have saved my knees was ballet-type stretching, where you hold a stretch for 20 to 30 minutes. I didn’t do it, I thought spending so much time stretching was a waste… and it would have saved me years of pain and possibly enabled me to retire on my own terms.

So I stretch now. Every.single-day.

And like most people, I do just fine with 2 or 3 20-to-30 second stretches.

That’s because, when we’re young, we’re supple and limber and active. As we get older, we become less active and our muscles get tighter and shorter, pulling our joints together so they grind against each other. Stretching stops and can reverse that tightening.

Stretching and warming activity are two of the three parts of the rehab program I created for myself to return to the NBA. I follow this rehab program to this very day. As long as I do it—despite being 7 feet tall, active, and having no cartilage between my knees, I am pain free.

My rehab routine takes about 20 minutes and while it varies from person to person, that seems to be pretty normal. Because I’ve helped thousands of people, from

  • young trauma victims
  • professional athletes
  • baby boomers who want to stay active
  • people with chronic diseases from arthritis to multiple sclerosis to
  • seniors in their 90s

dramatically reduce and often eliminate their own joint pain.

If you’d like to learn more about how you, too, can radically diminish, even eliminate your own joint pain without drugs or surgery, click here!

References › Osteoarthritis

Here are 12 natural arthritis remedies that might actually help ease the pain. … can help provide at least short-term pain relief and also ease joint stiffness › Product Review › Joint Pain Relief & Care

Joint Pain Relief Codes wants to help by teaching you stretches and natural remedies … Here’s our review of the Joint Pain Relief Codes downloadable eBook

Remedies For Natural Pain Relief

Click here for immediate access to the Pure Natural Healing Guide

Have you ever spent hours at your work desk, toiling away until you realize your back’s become stiff, and you have an inexplicable ache all over your body? Your eyes start to become unfocused and you can’t help but count down the hours, minutes, seconds to when the clock hits 6 and you’re free to go?
Well, I have. Every Monday to Friday, I get up early, go to work, and my only solace is lunch time, which isn’t much because the lunch crowds at food places are horrendous. I felt tired everywhere and could barely stay awake till evening, much less go out for dinner with friends after work. Headaches were the norm for me – I’d get them in the morning, after lunch, during the post-lunch slump, after work, you name it. It was like living in a head full of bricks 24 hours a day. The other day our boss announced a new scheme that awards a raise to the most productive and upbeat personality in our department, but I was so far gone down the depression spiral that I hardly even heard the details.

Finally I just couldn’t take it anymore. Instead of complaining about how lackluster I felt, I researched on ways to make myself feel better. Pills were not an option as I didn’t want to be addicted to antidepressants nor experience the many harmful side effects I’d read about. I was looking for a more holistic alternative, and I found it in a guide called Pure Natural Healing.

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It’s a comprehensive guide surrounding the concept of meridian therapy, also known as acupressure, which is similar to the more popular acupuncture. Unlike acupuncture, acupressure doesn’t require needles to be penetrated into the skin. Acupressure uses massaging techniques to stimulate energy flow between the meridian points of the body.

It may sound like some New Age kind of therapy, but actually it’s a proven traditional method of Chinese medicine for centuries. What I love about meridian therapy is that it cures the root of the problem, and not just treat the symptoms like so many of the modern medicine nowadays do. If you get the flu, the antibiotics get rid of the flu, but they don’t boost your immune system to help you counter the next flu virus that comes around. Meridian therapy serves to get to the cause of what’s affecting you daily, such as stress and blood circulation.

I decided to give Pure Natural Healing a try as other therapies provided online weren’t comprehensive enough. Their instructions usually involved complicated steps, and didn’t have many illustrations to help smooth the process. Pure Natural Healing consisted of numerous pictures with every technique mentioned, along with specific steps written concisely. It even came with a video to properly demonstrate how the Qi-Flexercise worked.

After doing the Qi-Flexercise just a few times, I saw an improvement in my skin – my acne started clearing up, and my skin looked brighter and radiant. My mom thought I’d gone for a facial without bringing her! So I roped her into doing the Qi-Flexercise with me, and we were both amazed at how our health has improved so dramatically. I felt more energetic in the mornings, and no longer had that heavy sense of dread that used to sit on my shoulders as I made the mundane commute to work. My mom started being more active in the morning, waking up early to make breakfast and go out for long walks. (She hasn’t made breakfast for the family in years!)

My dad, seeing how different my mom’s and my dispositions are now, also pestered me to teach him how to do the Qi-Flexercise. It turned out he was a natural! Without my advice or prompting, he watched the video once and managed to learn it in one sitting. To be honest it really was quite easy to follow, but I was so astonished at his progress because my dad had never been one for exercise or anything fitness-related.

It’s really heartening to see how my family – and I – has become much more cheerful and living healthily now. I’ve realized how thankful I should be for having a decent job that paid my bills and allowed me room for my hobbies, and I see now that a well-rested mind and body are absolutely essential to my overall happiness. Since I don’t dread waking up in the mornings anymore due to excessive lethargy, my productivity at work has increased almost double, and I’ve even started becoming more social with my colleagues. Here’s to hoping I’ll be getting that raise soon!

Find out more Here!


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Natural Pain Relief: Supplements for Chronic Pain – WebMD…11/chronic-painrelief If you’re living with chronic pain, you may have already tried the usualtreatments. Could pain supplements offer an alternative? WebMD takes a …

Related: Natural Pain Remedy

5 Ways Your Core Protects Your Joints

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When I tell people that if they want to relieve their joint pain, even totally end that pain, they must strengthen their core, they look at me like I have two heads.

After all, it’s their knees or their hips that hurt. Right?

Totally makes sense, but it’s not true.

And as someone who retired from the NBA at 25 with no cartilage between my knees, then rehabbed myself so well I played pain-free for the New York Knicks, I learned that the very hard way.

So you don’t have to.

What Is Your Core?

Your core is slang for those muscles that are the center of your body: your hips and back, your abdomen, your shoulders and chest, your diaphragm, pelvic floor and yes, your glutes. Your core also encloses and includes your entire spinal column.

All major body movements begin in the core. A weak core sets you up for all kinds of instability, forcing your joints to carry loads they weren’t designed to. A strong core is the key to a mobile, balanced body, allowing all your joints to glide freely and easily.

In short, your core is a system of 29 pairs of muscles, and your rectus abdominor, or “six pack abs”, is just one of them. Unfortunately, many people overwork their abs and neglect all their other core muscles. That’s a recipe for imbalance, instability, and pain.

So let’s take a deeper look at how these important muscles work protect you from pain.

Your Shoulders

Your shoulders are an extremely complex joint and you use them in almost all upper-body movements. This makes them vulnerable to a variety of injuries.

When you need to load your shoulders, whether it’s carrying groceries or lifting barbells, a strong core protects your shoulders by activating the abdominal muscles and bracing your entire spinal column. This “stiffness” allows your shoulder blades (your scapula) to stiffen in turn. Now your rotator cuff muscles are supported, so they can engage to stabilize your humerus, the bone of your upper arm through its range of motion.

Strong core muscles safely generate the power you need, without damaging your shoulder joints.

Low Back Pain

Generally speaking, if you have low back pain, you need to strengthen your core. Why?

Your core muscles stabilize your spine and pelvis. When you injure your back, those muscles “turn off” or shut down. This stresses the ligaments, which connect bone or cartilage to other bone or cartilage, forcing your stressing your sacroiliac joint to bear loads and forces your muscles should be carrying.

Ending low back pain, far from relying on pain killers or muscle relaxants, requires you to re-engage and strengthen your core muscles to support your sacroiliac joint and allow it to function the way it was designed to. As a joint, not a weight-bearing structure. Click Here!

Bad Posture

Your core is how you carry your body, and there is a vicious feedback loop between a weak core and poor posture. Weak core muscles make it hard for you to carry yourself in a tall, neutral position. A slumped posture further weakens your muscles.

To compensate, your head tilts forward and down, causing your shoulders to roll and your chest to sinks. In turn, your pelvis tilts in, forcing your stomach and your butt out. Your knees turn in to compensate, destabilizing your feet (wearing heels makes this worse).

The chain reaction of weak core muscles turns every joint into your body into a weight-bearing structure.

Hip Pain

Your glutes, the big muscles in your butt, abductors and adductors, and your hip flexor muscles are all part of your core. When those muscles are weak, the strain of walking, running and other movements is transferred to the ligaments in your hips, which in turn transfer that load to the hip joint, distorting its normal function.

Under such circumstances, your hip grinds into your pelvis.

Knee Pain

This chain of weakness extends down to your knees. And because your knees are two relatively isolated joints that must bear almost the entire weight of your body, they are very extremely vulnerable to weakness in your glutes.

One of the most frequent mistakes I see people make (that I made myself for many years) is to focus on stretching the IT band and engaging the quads, the big muscles in the back of your thighs.

The fact is, you can do those things all day, every day, and unless you engage your glutes, those weak muscles will still force your knees to carry the weight your muscles should…

Forcing your knees to grind away at the cartilage, then the bone.

Click here to know how to develop a strong core so your joints can once again glide easily past each other… without pain… in just minutes a day… even if you’re older, have arthritis or a disease such as multiple sclerosis.

What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Natural Pain Remedy

Click here to access the Pure Natural Healing Power!

I have to admit, I’m no longer the young, able-bodied boy I used to be. Age has caught on with both my mind and body, and at times I wondered if there was anything I should be living for, when my body is failing me and I can’t achieve all the things on my bucket list. I’m riddled with diabetes, and along with it came hypertension, swollen feet, painful nerves, constant headaches, and depression.

It’s not easy being old, with your kids going on with their own lives and your partner also too frail to help with anything. My wife and I wanted to take a vacation to California on our own, but the plans fell through when I started getting constipated, often for many days without relief until I had to seek medical help. Laxatives helped temporarily, but it kept happening until I got tired of taking extra pills – in addition to my usual diabetic meds – just to be able to go Number 2.

Difficult as it was to get through the disappointment of cancelling the vacation, my wife sought help from her friends and our neighbors, asking if anyone knew of a better way to help with my digestion, and our neighbor Daria helpfully offered a suggestion: Pure Natural Healing.

It sounded way too good to be true – how can I cure my constipation problem without pills or a change of diet and if there really was a way, why haven’t my doctor already recommended it to me?

Daria patiently explained it all to me. Doctors and big pharmaceutical companies pretended meridian therapy – also known as acupressure – didn’t exist, because it was highly effective and cost next to nothing compared to their exorbitant hospital bills and pill prescriptions.

If everyone knew about this natural yet effective method, no one would need to go to the doctors or psychiatrists to relieve their stress or treat mild ailments. Therefore meridian therapy hasn’t gotten the widespread fame and credit it sorely deserves, and instead is relying on enlightened persons like Daria and now me (and my wife) to reach out to others.

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When Daria told me all of this, I still didn’t believe her initially. I had no idea what she was talking about, and because I’d been ingesting pills all my life, I was suspicious of any method that claimed to be natural and without medication. But then she taught me a way to massage my meridian points to help with my constipation, and I started to believe. Because it worked.

Within a day (although Daria tells me for her it took a few days to really feel the effects), my bowels were revived and I successfully purged myself of the waste my body had been hoarding inside. Just within a day!

After this happened, I purchased a copy of Pure Natural Healing for myself and my wife, and we began exploring all the techniques inside. There was a video on something called the Qi-Flexercise, which was supposed to boost your immune system and aid digestion, preventing constipation. We watched the video and did the steps accordingly, which was fun because we seldom had the energy to even take a walk, much less exercise together.

The great thing about these methods is that they aren’t vigorous at all, and require mere minutes to execute. We were so inspired by my resolved issue of constipation that we wanted to get the most out of this guide as fast as possible!

Both my wife and I felt eons better than we’ve had in years when we performed the exercises together. You can do them on your own, but it’s a bonus when someone is able to massage your neck or head for you.

We also tried out the high blood pressure massage, and stress and anxiety relievers. And because of the improved blood circulation, my feet were no longer swollen. Although to be frank, I didn’t realize the full effects of these exercises until I went for my routine checkup three weeks later, and my doctor praised me on managing to lower my blood pressure levels.

I was stunned. I told him about Pure Natural Healing and he too was quite astonished at how quick its results were. He then said he would try it out for himself. I can’t wait for my next checkup to see how he would react when he realizes how effective it is!

Click Here to Learn More!



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